Tuesday 14 September 2010


Here I am!!!
I meant to write in this when I first arrive, really, but y'know. stuff happens :)
So: my journey until now... Day before I left, I had an awesome time seeing people in calgary, and stayed at a really nice hotel overnight with mom. (And decided to repack my luggage at like 3 am because I couldn't sleep!) Got to the Air Canada counter at like 730 for my 1015 flight, and the lady there said I could only have ONE carry on (which really sucked because I had called ahead to ask, and the person on the phone said I could have 1 carryon and EITHER a purse or laptop case. But I guess my laptop case was too big?) Anyway, had to tear apart my luggage AGAIN right at the counter so I met flight requirements. And managed to pack my headphones in my checked bags, because I'm awesome in the morning without coffee ;)
The flight out to Vancouver was fine, and so was my layover. But, because I'm kinda stupid, I forgot to take out more cash to have changed into yen. (I'm still trying to get used to having to use cash for everything. It's just weird.) So I arrived in Narita, and everything was really efficient and well marked. The airport wasn't busy at all, so customs went really quickly! (also, I was worried about bringing my pills/contacts in because they exceeded the limits I saw online, but they only checked my carryon, and cursorily at that! I totally could've brought ANYTHING with me!)
I was met by a group of volunteers, who walked me through getting my luggage sent to the dorms overnight (takyubin?) and getting my N'ex and Suica card. Then at the Shinjuku station, another set of volunteers met me and brought me to the dorm. I was so jetlagged, I think I made a pretty bad impression on them. Got to the dorm and really briefly met my roommate (Haru from China, she's cute! but I couldn't pronounce her other name properly so she said I could say Haru instead... tone fail!).  And, since I didn't have anything but my carry-on to unpack, I went out for dinner with YUMI!!! who was nice enough to come visit when she was done work. We picked up some stuff for my itty bitty dorm room too. (at ドンキホーテ which has lots of stuff but isn`t too cheap. think wal-mart. but smaller. and the next day I tried to find it again with Haru, and epic epic fail.) I think I`ve spent like 150$ getting organizer things and sundries for the room. le sigh. Back at the room, I crashed hard and slept like a rock on the rock-like pillow they give you.
Yesterday morning was spent waiting for my luggae to arrive. and waiting. and waiting. when it did, I unpacked and then went to buy sundries with Haru. Afterwards I met a few ppl who I`d been in touch with via facebook for dinner. And I meant to go out last night, but got sleepy and went to bed early again instead. I really need to grab a coffee tonight and readjust my internal clock! I woke up at 5am this morning. Thats just NOT RIGHT.
Went out early this morning to grab breakfast. I got a lot of stares, it was kind of disconcerting really. Managed to figure out what I hoped was a meal replacement drink for breakfast (Haru confirmed it for me, YAY for a roomie with better japanese!) And soon am off to my first day of orientation (day 1 of like 14 or something ridiculous)


  1. Sounds like the roomies are already bonding well. That's always good.
    put up some photos.
    want to see you in a sea of asians! now you feel how I feel in Canada =P


  2. Haha sea of asian, well it is like wave of asian here in canada.

    Post some pic up soon, I wanna see tokyo and that cute roomie of yours, Haru. Show me that small dorm of yours.

    Your first few days of school seem mor eexciting than mine.
