Thursday 16 September 2010

orientation, and then disorientation

So, I think Waseda thinks we can't read?
Because I just spent like 2 days in orientation and all they did was read out the handouts. Except the scholarship one, that was actually useful. (and omg, keeping track of everything is crazy! welcome to dependancy on my daytimer liek whoa. lol)
Also, those of you headed this way. When they say passport sized pictures, they mean : those tiny little ones that are like 3cmx4cm! NOT canadian passport sized! AND ITS HARD TO GET THOSE IN CANADA!! Fortunately, there are lots of photo booths which will print those instantly, and you can switch the instructions to english on all the ones I've seen so far. It's like 400-800 yen for 4 photos, depending on which one you go to.

re:photos, well guys, I haven't been taking a lot of photos which seems odd until I remember that I'm really really used to everyone taking photos for me! So I will try and make more of an effort, but no promises.

Last night, I went out for a wander with Nicole, Haru, and Fee. We went to Big Box, which is a department store on top of Takadanobaba station. And then over to a really cheap izakaya for a drink. The pub was really nice! It had a touch screen ordering system, and divided up the bill for us, and it sends the orders to the kitchen so you don't have to wait for a server to come to your table. We all had sours, which were weak but tasty! (single shot in a beer mug of mixer o.O)

Had a really quick orientation this morning, and then went for another wander with Fee. We walked passed it, but eventually asked someone and managed to find a shop that would make us our inkan (the little stamp thing that japanese use instead of a signature). The store attendant was so nice! She showed us the basic models and the fancier ones (which both of us chose, Fee got kingyo on blue, and I got stylized wind or waves on dark blue) and also the holders for them. We will pick them up tomorrow, I'm so excited to use it!!
Then we went to ANOTHER orientation session ( I heard sooo many ppl refer to them as the disorientation sessions, because tuning in and out was making them confused ) and now are back at the dorms for our dorm party! And nicole has invited us to go clubbing tonight, we'll see if I go. I want to, but I have ANOTHER session tomorrow at 9. But. CLUBBING. ah, どうすればいい???


  1. I wish we have pub like that in Canada. I was at the rust cage last night and our waitress took so long for our orders.

    You can go clubbing just watch your drinking that all :)

  2. I love your tags Jessi, blahblahblah
