Thursday 2 December 2010

Do what with the what???
So today I managed to laze away most of, as Haru did not come home and thus the room was at a bearable temperature. Sooo wrong that I feel I need to savour the moments I have control of the temperature in my room by NOT LEAVING TO GO DO MORE INTERESTING AND IMPORTANT THINGS... like go talk to the NASIC office. sigh.

Went over to the Seibu ticket counter at Baba to try and reserve a train back from the festival tomorrow, couldn't do it bc all the seats were already booked. Big surprise. So we will be taking our chances with the regular train. Yay!

And I've somehow become one of those ppl that goes to starbucks for hours and hours here. I know, I shock myself, as usually I want real coffee/espresso but the other places are worse here... Hard to imagine but true. And one of the employees came down and "cleaned" the lounge chairs with what was essentially a laaaarge piece of packing tape. To get hair and crumbs off I guess???

Worried about how my aunt is doing, and my mom. I really need to call her. But I keep forgetting to get a calling card. Maybe I should do that after we get back tmrw night. Stupid time difference... If I call earlyafternoon from here its evening there which would work well, but then ppl are around the entrance all the time. If I call late late night here, its daytime there which is less conv. for them.... :(


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